Arlen Reveals Top Strategies To
Grow Your Online Store

Improve Site Speed To Your Store

Did you know there’s a specific criteria with Google that if you don’t do it, you’ll continually rank lower? It’s important that you focus on your site speed, because it’s a crucial element to attract your customer base. While you may have the right products available for your audience, they won’t stay on your site for very long if it doesn’t function well. That’s why it’s important to take a step back and find out what improvements need to be made in order to see how you can be successful with your site. This’ll be a great way to help your site flourish for the long haul.  We’ll go over some criteria that you can actually update today that’ll help start increasing your ranking, traffic, and sales on Google. 

Overlooked Way to Increase Sales to Your Online Store 

There’s a clear and often overlooked way to increase your sales to your online store that people never think of. If you ignore it, you’ll certainly miss the boat. You don’t want to neglect certain things that ultimately lead to better sales. Take your time to go over every small detail on your site to ensure there’s nothing that stands in your way of prospering. This way, you’ll be able to realize your site’s potential sales. 

Don’t Miss Out on a Ton of Potential Sales

Whether you work from your laptop or mobile device, you want to be able to connect to your audience. Below, we’ll see what you’ll actually learn in this brief guide. 

What You Will Learn

You’ll learn how to increase your sales to your online store by decreasing your sites page load speed. The faster your site, the more it’ll be appealing to any new visitors. Remember, the first few seconds of visiting your page is crucial. You want them to stay, not head to another page that may be your main competitor. 

Why a Page Load Speed Is Super Important

There are a few key reasons why the page load speed is such an important element to your store. 

It’s the first element of a good user experience. When you have a fast loading site, that makes the user want to actually scroll your page for more. Functionality is very important. 

A slow site can greatly decrease conversions. This may be crucial for your prospects to sign up for things in an opt-in box or a form. A slowly moving site can discourage them from taking advantage of any call-to-action.. 

It can increase or decrease your revenue and profitability. When your visitor is thinking of making a purchase, one of the worst things that can happen is that they experience slow down in the checkout section. The speed of your site in that section of your store can certainly be the difference between them buying something or going to another page to get a product.  

The Speeds You Should Strive For

When you’re trying to get your site up to par, always remember that speed is the key. Here are a few things to note about the loading speed:

A perfect load speed is 1 second or less.

Good load speed is between 1 and 3 seconds.

An average load speed is between 3 and 7 seconds. 

Poor speed is 7+ seconds. 

If your store moves at the latter, it’s a concern that must be corrected soon. Otherwise, this may be problematic down the line. Remember, you always want to think of how to capture your audience’s attention long enough for them to buy something from your site. 

How to Check Your Site Speed

There are different ways you can check your site speed. One of the tools you can use is pingdom. This is a good way to see how many seconds it takes your page to load. Also, you can begin to think of ways to improve the speed. 

Ways to Improve Your Page Load Speed

Check your web host and possibly change hosts. This is one of the most important factors. There are some web hosts out there that are on a better network and can provide better service. 

Optimize your images by compressing them. There are many online tools that can help you get this in order, such as 

Check for and fix any broken links. There are different SEO tools that can help, like  or any other free Chrome extension that’s good for fixing broken links. 

Prioritize content. Have top of page load quicker. Pages load from the top down. It’s important the top images on your page are well-optimized. The ones below can be a bit larger, but just be reasonable in terms of size. 

Reduce/Optimize Plugins, especially if you’re a WordPress user. You can always eliminate the plugins that run slowly and take up too much space. This can help you boost your site speed by getting rid of the clutter. 

Test Often

Now once you know what to look for and fix, you’ll want to test things regularly. You never know what site changes you make have actually affected the way it performs. Be careful when you add new templates or even plugins, because it may cause more harm than good. 

These are just a few of the ways you can begin to improve not only the speed, but your site in general. All of this is helpful in creating a store that can appeal to your core audience. Do you have any tactics that use to help improve your site speed? Please drop some feedback below.